Happy summer everyone! It is not only one of the best times of the year because it is warming up, but because schools are on break and this is prime buying season for them. Fresh upgrades and budgets are on schools’ minds, so it is our job to educate the educators on more clever ways to teach their students and run intuitive classrooms with new technology. We have recently covered a lot about lecture capture and remote learning, and our partners have had great input on how their products can help. Let’s break it down and discuss a few of the main points that we have talked about recently.
Hybrid/remote learning isn’t going anywhere:
Okay, for starters, if I hear one more person mention how 2020 “changed things”, I am going to lose my mind. That horse has been beaten to a pulp. However, the point has some relevant merit to this discussion. Remote learning has been around in some sense for almost a decade but the global pandemic really kick-started schools to implement it more. At present, a huge number of schools are still offering some sort of remote/hybrid option. Why is that? Why not make the kids go back to school full-time? Well because watching lectures or doing projects on my bed in pajamas is way more fun, obviously. Jokes aside, there have been dozens of studies and very clear data concluding that not everyone learns the same way and some greatly benefit from remote learning. Shocker, right? Fortunately, schools are adapting, and these new or updated hybrid/remote campuses are now being dubbed Hyflex learning. Jordan goes into great detail about Hyflex in this video, definitely check it out for more information
Since Hyflex is for everyone, so is lecture capture and broadcast technology:
I honestly kind of wish I was going through high school right now. I am young and my school was a bit ahead of the curve, so we did have a computer lab and they started loaning Chromebooks to students my senior year. But that was just the start, nowadays I see high schools with full esports programs and remote classes that are on par with what I had in college. There were so many times I wish I could have stayed home and listened to the lectures instead of missing class and bumming the notes off a classmate. This leads me to the point that there are multiple more reasons to capture lectures than just teaching a remote class.
- Absence – A substitute teacher can use the prerecorded lecture instead of reading straight from a book.
- Evaluation – Teachers can go back and check their lesson plans and past lectures for ways they can improve or update outdated topics.
- Student input – Recording live with students adds another level of interactivity and dynamic to the subject at hand. This creates deeper learning. Usually, if one person has a question, we all do too.
Implementing a Hyflex curriculum in a class will greatly improve the experience of the students and the teacher and having the right tech to accomplish this is a must. Our partners bring all the right tools to deliver the simplest and most effective solution.
JB&A has the tech you need:
There are quite a few ways to design a lecture capture system and none of them are necessarily right or wrong, it mostly depends on your application. Shoot, if I was making a Hyflex environment I would use ChatGPT to write all of my lectures and have an AI model of myself give the presentations. That probably wouldn’t be the most responsible thing to do though… Luckily, we just launched our new season of Techsplanation 2.0 where we took a deep dive into Panopto and Matrox as a dream team collaboration. With the Panopto software and the Maevex 6020 Remote Recorder, the solution is dead simple for the hardware and software side. Check out the podcast we did for the complete story.
The solutions don’t stop there. Our partners over at Lumens and Newtek have both dropped NDI-enabled lecture capture systems. Newtek’s CaptureCast and the Lumens LC100N are both stellar options, it just depends on your budget and the features you need. These products really excite me because we can throw out all of the problems and limitations of baseband and design an NDI system for schools. This means NDI cameras, fewer cables, and access anywhere on the network, the possibilities are infinite.
Now there are many more solutions beyond Matrox, Panopto, Lumens, and Newtek. I could spend much more time detailing all the different ways lecture capture can be designed but then you would be on your own and our beautiful relationship would end there. Don’t cry just yet, we have created tons of content recently for you to watch over and over again so go check it out. This is also where we step in and help you design the whole solution and can provide all the options. If you have a project you’re working on, pick up the phone and call your JB&A representative right now. We are eager to help you out.
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